8 Pool Safety Tips for Property Managers

A young girl standing in front of a fenced-in pool installed for pool safety

Managing a community with a pool requires property managers to emphasize safety for residents.

Key takeaways:

  • Managing a community with a pool by yourself can add to your workload.
  • Keeping residents safe is a top priority.
  • Following a few tips can make your job easier.
  • Hiring pool maintenance vendors can help a lot. 

Property managers have a lot on their plates since they handle most of the maintenance, repairs, and rule enforcement within a community. That workload grows even more when there’s an on-site pool. 

Maintaining the pool means keeping the facility in useable condition and enforcing pool safety rules that come with this shared amenity.

Pool safety is a huge aspect to consider because protecting community residents is always a priority. By putting the necessary safety protocols in place and keeping the pool clean and ready for use, property managers can help keep dangers at bay. 

Here’s a look at eight pool safety tips that property management groups can use to make their communities safer places to live.

1. Educate your residents

Making sure residents understand pool safety and its importance can create a safer environment. Sending out emails and/or putting up “Pool Rules” signs at the pool can work wonders because it ensures there’s at least a basic awareness of safety protocols.

This educational material should also emphasize safety rules for minors so that parents don’t let their kids venture to the pool area without supervision.

2. Invest in anti-entrapment drain covers

In 2003, the six-year-old granddaughter of former Secretary of State James Baker drowned when a hot tub drain’s suction pulled her underwater. The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act of 2007 states that swimming facilities must have anti-entrapment drain covers to prevent tragedies like this from occurring, so you’ll want to make sure your pool is compliant.

It’s also worth installing a safety vacuum release that forces the pool’s pump to shut off when anything is stuck in it, as this can also prevent drowning. 

Hiring a pool maintenance contractor to ensure your facility’s compliance is a very smart idea. VendorSmart’s online directory offers fully-vetted and compliant pool maintenance vendors for the task. 

3. Enforce the rules

The pool rules will depend on the community, but basic ones include banning glass containers, plugged-in devices, and alcoholic beverages. You might also prohibit running, diving, and horseplay near the pool. 

Unfortunately, you probably can’t be there all the time to enforce the rules in person. In some cases, asking for volunteers to note violations is an effective way to keep everyone on their best behavior when using the facilities. 

4. Enclose the area

Your area likely has some laws regarding swimming pool enclosures. The gist is that every pool should have a fence surrounding it to keep people, particularly small children, away from the water unaccompanied. 

While the exact laws vary by city or county, your enclosure should be at least four feet high and free from gaps or holes that children can use to enter. It should also have a self-latching gate with a locking mechanism high enough from the ground that small kids can’t reach it.

VendorSmart offers fully-vetted and compliant fencing vendors to install fencing around your community pool if you need it. 

5. Maintain the pool

Pool maintenance ensures the amenity remains functional well into the future and is also a safety measure. 

Keeping the asphalt around the pool in excellent condition removes tripping hazards while maintaining the enclosure can prevent people from entering the pool when it’s closed. 

Of course, you can always use VendorSmart to hire vendors for these maintenance duties that will handle your asphalt or fence repairs when they become necessary. Pool-specific contractors can also deal with damage to the pool liner, pumps, and heater.

6. Offer swimming lessons

Some community managers take pool safety a step further by offering swimming lessons at the pool. While you’d need significant interest from residents to make this happen, throwing the idea out there could be worth it, especially if the community has many families with young children.

The better prepared your residents are for spending time in the water, the fewer problems you can expect to encounter as they use the pool.

7. Hire a lifeguard

Bringing in a lifeguard could be helpful, especially when the pool is at its busiest. This lifeguard will ensure residents follow the rules while using the facility, and act as an additional layer of safety. 

Of course, this lifeguard will cost the community some money, but it’s a good investment if you can fit it into the budget, and the pool is a popular place in the summer.

8. Hire a pool management contractor

Overseeing a swimming pool is a lot of work, so hiring a staff member with certification or experience in pool management might be in your best interest. You can also outsource the job to a management company, as they’ll regularly check the chemicals and handle the facility’s day-to-day operations. The contractor’s insurance company will also absorb some liability from pool-related injuries.

Regularly observing and adjusting the chlorine and pH levels prevents diseases, like Legionnaire’s, from spreading through unsanitary water, ensuring community residents have less to worry about when enjoying this facility in the warm weather. 

Getting the help you need

A swimming pool is an attractive feature for an HOA or condo association because it provides hours of entertainment and an excellent spot to cool off during the year’s hottest months. Maintaining a pool is also a lot of work for property managers because you have to ensure the facility is in working order, and enforce pool safety rules. 

Fortunately, VendorSmart can help you source professional workers for your pool safety needs. Our comprehensive online platform puts property management companies and vendors in touch, ensuring you hire a local contractor with experience in pool management or maintenance. We offer compliance vetting and provide real-time risk monitoring.

Contact VendorSmart today to make pool safety and maintenance easy!