3 Ways to Address Problems With Your Vendors

3 Ways to Address Problems With Your Vendors on vendorsmart.com

Not every vendor delivers the quality, timely, or expert service you hired them to provide. Here are some things you can do to address the issues.

It’s frustrating when a vendor doesn’t deliver the quality of service they promised when you hired them. Not only does it damage your relationship, but it also delays or hinders the work that needs to be done — putting more on your plate in the process.

If you’re dealing with a less-than-stellar vendor relationship, there are a few ways you can approach a resolution. Often, by taking steps to resolve an issue, you can avoid expensive and headache-inducing contract disputes. If you do need to look into terminating your agreement, here are some helpful tips for moving forward. 

1. Communicate your expectations

Before you make any permanent decisions about the work agreement, try sitting down with your vendor and communicating your concerns. Miscommunications happen, and if you’re not seeing work done in an appropriate and timely way, you may be able to resolve the issue simply by talking clearly about your expectations.

Resist the urge to spout off in the heat of the moment. While this is certainly cathartic, it might cause you more problems down the road. And if you have a contract with the vendor, you may not be able to terminate your agreement at will. There could be a myriad of circumstances as to why the work is not being conducted properly, and you should sit down and troubleshoot together.

Does the company have another service provider they can send to your location? Can you and the individual agree on a checklist of items that need to be completed for every job? See if you can come up with a resolution via communication.

2. Document everything

Hopefully, you’ll be able to resolve your dispute with communication and respectful dialogue. If, however, the provider is still not meeting expectations despite having met with you about your needs, then it’s time to start looking at your options to terminate the agreement.

Before you do anything else, start a paper trail. Document work orders, invoices, emails, and photos of any work that has been done on the property. Make notes on what needed to be repaired or serviced, and thoroughly document the work that was completed and whether it was or was not up to standard.

3. Consult your attorney

Next, talk with your attorney about the contract you have with this vendor or company. Bring the documentation you collected so your representative can review it and determine if the contract terms are not being fulfilled.

Your attorney should be able to guide you on the process of termination if it is in your best interest. This will depend on the individual circumstances, and in some cases, you may not even need to pursue a legal process — such as a contract with a 10-day notice clause. Whatever the case may be, your attorney can help you find the solution that best fits your needs.

Avoid vendor issues upfront

The best way to avoid tiresome vendor issues and problems is to hire highly qualified, vetted providers right out of the gate. If you choose vendors based on the first result in the phone book, you’re bound to run into some quality issues. Many HOA’s and property managers hire sub-standard vendors simply due to time constraints — because finding and vetting providers can be a full-time job in and of itself.

We understand just how time-consuming and intensive sourcing your providers can be. That’s why we created VendorSmart — to take the hassle out of your hands.

Our system enables you to quickly source qualified, vetted candidates at the touch of a button. You can create and post projects, collect bids, and utilize the platform for service. It’s an all-in-one solution for your vendor needs, and our top-notch customer support is available every step of the way. At VendorSmart, we understand that third-party vendor relationships are critical to the success of any association or condo. Our software and team of industry professionals guarantee full compliance vetting for every vendor employed by your management company at no cost to you or the vendor. Want to learn more? Schedule a demo today.